Friday, March 16, 2007

Wish Fulfilled

"Trans-Sister Radio" was waiting for me when I got to work today. Dig! I won't have much time this weekend, but anyone who knows me knows that won't hamper my intention to absorb more of the printed word than many people do in a year.

We're hosting kindergarten registration and I'm surprised at how it's making me feel. I don't believe in over-analyzing and/or dwelling, so the misery that's dogging my usually sunny demeanor (ha ha! I crack myself up!) has been a bit unwelcome. I barely recall taking Isaiah or Hannah to registration, but I could write a book- okay, a novella- about taking Sarah. I'd dressed her in this gorgeous y ellow dress (she wore a dress every day back then) and wasn't exactly expecting anything in particular: sure, I knew she was a handful, but.... she all but flat-lined the testing, from the simplest physical feats to whatever the heck else they were looking for. Not that this seemed to raise any eyebrows: she was included in the preschool that fall, but it wasn't until kindergarten when her teacher (who'd had my older kids, and had heard my "heads up, there's a real live wire still at home" speech multiple times) was willing to go out on a limb and be blunt about Sarah's issues. Not that that was the "aha!" moment: that was still several years in the future. It's funny: autism, and its related syndromes, seems to be EVERYWHERE now, but I can't say I've seen a potential kindergartener here yet who's struck me (and I've gotten pretty doggoned good at picking them off) as being very Sarah-esque. Good.

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