Friday, March 23, 2007

Fashion Tips for the Disturbingly Puffy Woman

I am SO rotund today! Like a barrel on two legs. I know why, too: too dang much salt these last few days. I look like a buddha. I should know better: last night I was lying in bed eating (mistake #1) Sour Punch Straws (green apple: my favorite!) and washing them down with a big glass of iced milk (mistake #2. I'm too embarrassed to reveal what I'd eaten for dinner, which would be mistake #3) and even as I was motoring through them (what on earth is WRONG with me?????) I was kicking myself. I woke up in the middle of the night with my ears thrumming from the blood racing up to my head: some day my heart is just going to explode. Aaargh. Aaaargh. AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHH.

AND I get to see my freakishly petite sister this weekend (and her wee little children. One would think....we married brothers, right? So why are MY kids these big galoots- even their feet are enormous!- and her's are these dainty little...oh, who cares) so I'll feel even more bovine than usual. Sigh. Where's that muumuu when I need it?

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